Dogs Not Behaving Badly (Ep.45)


We are often asked on social media if any dog can Canicross, especially those with anxiety or behavioural issues. Happily, the short answer is yes…but it isn’t simply a case of buying the kit and heading off onto the trails. It’s useful to know your ‘Canicross code’ which includes using the equipment correctly and also incorporating commands whilst you are running so you can be in more control. For some people, having the guidance of a dog trainer can also be a great benefit. We are joined by Clare Grierson who is our DogFit Trainer in Enfield and a highly regarded dog trainer. Clare is a big advocate of Canicross and how it can help complement her training and shares some of her knowledge and experiences with us in this episode.

For help, advice, kit and classes please visit:


Listen to full episode :


From the Frontline to the Finish Line


Harness up for the Canicross season (Ep.44)